Published on September 29, 2014
Angkasa Pura Airports, the national airports company of Indonesia, in collaboration with the Airports Council International Asia-Pacific will present the Airports Council International Small and Emerging Airports Seminar (ACI SEA) 2014 scheduled to take place from 20th to 22nd October 2014 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel Bali, in the Nusa Dua Tourism Complex, on the beautiful island of Bali.
Taking up the theme “Navigating Aviation Growth and Challenges in Southeast Asia”, the seminar will address current issues on the challenges and opportunities of developing of small and emerging airports. Specifically, the seminar will focus on the following key topics:
Open Skies – Opportunities and Barriers for GrowthPlanning for Flexibility and Future GrowthThe Key to Sustainable GrowthCommercial Development for Customer Service and RevenuesThe Principles and Practical Guidelines for Effective Air Services DevelopmentAerodrome Certification
Open for public, the three days event will feature 4 seminar sessions, 1 pre-seminar workshop, and 2 working sessions.
Among prominent speakers will be Rafael Echevarne (Director, Economics & Programme Development ACI World), Bambang Susantono (Deputy Minister of Transportation of Indonesia), Djoko Murjatmodjo (Air Transportation Director of the Ministry of Transportation), Tommy Soetomo (President Director PT. Angkasa Pura I), Tri Sunoko (President Director, PT. Angkasa Pura II), Andrew Ford (Executive Board Member, Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) and Vice President, Global Business Development, DFS Group Limited ), Dennis Chant (President, ACI Asia-Pacific and Managing Director, Queensland Airports Limited), Karthi Gajendran (President Airport Development, PT. GVK Service Indonesia), and more.
ACI Small and Emerging Airports Seminar is a golden opportunity for Indonesia in preparation to entering the ASEAN AVIATION Market 2015. Considering that not all airports in prime tourist destinations are large or major airports, the development of small and secondary airports is considered vital. Small airports are identified by the total number of passenger traffic, being less than 5 million per year.
In Indonesia, some of the busiest small airports include the Komodo Airport at Labuan Bajo, on the island of Flores (189 thousand passen gers per year); Cut Nyak Dhien Airport in Aceh (27 thousands per year), and the Minangkabau Airport in West Sumatra (1.4 million per year).
For more Information and participation please log on to :
or contact:
Nina Mayasari : +62 857 112 06720
Poetri Andayani: +62 818 601 457