Published on January 4, 2013

The “Wonderful Indonesia” float presented by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Indonesia has won the most coveted President’s Trophy at this year’s Pasadena Rose Parade in California, USA held on 1st. January 2013.
The President’s Trophy was awarded to Indonesia for the float with the most innovative and effective floral use and presentation among the hundreds of attractive and colorful floats from the United States and many foreign countries.
This year, Indonesia highlighted the wonders of Java, depicting giant “wayang golek” puppets from West Java, a replica of the Borobudur temple, and a number of elaborately costumed and brightly smiling traditional dancers from Solo, Central Java, parading on both sides of the float.
Last year Indonesia was also awarded the best non-commercial participant for the most effective floral use in the float. This is the second year running that Indonesia has returned to take part in the Rose Parade after an absence of 16 years, having last participated in 1996.
Taking the theme “Oh, The Places You’ll Go”, this year’s Rose Parade was viewed by no less than 450 million worldwide on Television, with 38 million in the USA alone, and thousands lining both sides of the parade route.
The “Wonderful Indonesia” main float which measured 18 by 35 feet with a satellite float measuring 16 x 20 feet, at number 67, attracted a great deal of attention along the 8.85 km route down Orange Grove Road.
Indonesia’s delegation was led by the Minister for Tourism and Creative Economy, Mari Elka Pangestu herself.
Indonesia is attracting more and more American visitors to her shores. In 2011 some 194,398 American visitors came to Indonesia, staying here for an average 10.56 days, spending US$ 1,398 per person per visit.
For more information and photographs of the Event, please click:
Photo courtesy by Reuters