Published on January 30, 2015

Three top Indonesian designers: Dian Pelangi, Barli Asmara, and Zaskia Sungkar will present their collections inspired by West Nusa Tenggara’s traditional hand-woven Ikat fabrics at the New York Fashion Week, scheduled to take place at the Crowne Plaza Times Square Manhattan, USA, on 14th February 2015.
The fabrics of West Nusa Tenggara – the province east of Bali – have been chosen because of their wide diversity that are steeped in rich traditional cultures. As a form of admiration and honoring Indonesia’s distinct cultures, the three designers named their fashion show “From Lombok to New York”. For the international fashion event, they will feature different themes for each collection.
Staying true to her name, Dian Pelangi will showcase a rainbow (literally translated as Pelangi in Bahasa Indonesia) of colors in her collections which are based on the traditional hand woven fabrics of the Mbojo Ethnic Group of Bima on Sumbawa Island.
“I chose the theme Tales of Tambora to commemorate the Tambora Greet the World – theme commemorating the violent explosion of Mt. Tambora exactly 2 centures ago, – as well as the Hola Tambora Campaign which is aimed to introduce Mount Tambora” to the American public, explained Dian Pelangi at the Sapta Pesona Building, office of the Ministry of Tourism at the Press Conference held on Thursday, 29th January 2015 on the theme: From Lombok to New York.
Meanwhile, Barli Asmara and Zaskia Sungkar both explored the enchanting beauty of the traditional hand-woven fabrics of the Sasak ethnic group of Central Lombok. Barli will bring the Royal Lombok theme to highlight the grandeur of West Nusa Tenggara’s fabrics, while Zaskia will present the Princess Mandalika theme, inspired by Princess Mandalika and Lombok’s legend of Bau Nyale.

“I am creating a collection which is distinctly me by using pastel colors which are soft yet elegant” commented Zaskia.
The New York Fashion Week will feature winter collections of all the most respected designers from across the world. According to Dian Pelangi, West Nusa Tenggara’s fabrics are quite thick, therefore, it is perfect for winter outfits. Moreover, the fabric does not easily wrinkle or fade.
“We need to come out with fashion collections that are universal and have high couture qualities, and the traditional fabrics of West Nusa Tenggara are just perfect for this. Those attending the New York Fashion Week are international buyers, media, and fashion bloggers” added Dian Pelangi.
The Indonesian Designers Go to New York program is fully supported by the President of the Republic Indonesia, Joko Widodo, as well as the Ministry of Tourism, and the Province of West Nusa Tenggara. The series of activities of the three designers will be documented through various social media under the hashtags of #ZBDforNYFW2015, #ZBDfashionvibe, #OPPOdesignersForNYFW, and #FromLomboktoNewYork.