Published on March 19, 2015
Indonesia will promote the country’s finest features at the World Expo Milano (WEM) 2015 in Milan, Italy, scheduled to take place for a full 6 months from 1st May to 31st October 2015. Held once every five years, the colossal scaled non-commercial international expo will be held at Rho area at the western part of Milan. The expo covers a total area of 110 hectares, involving participation from 146 countries, and is expected to attract around 64 million people.
Indonesia will occupy a 1,175 square meters pavilion next to Qatar and Monaco, carrying as main theme:”Stage of The World” to show the world the huge potentials of the country, that range from its marine and abundant underwater wonders to its creativity, cultural diversity, culinary features, traditional costumes, its multi-ethnic harmony, and a whole lot more. Entering the Indonesian pavilion, visitors will be presented with a 3D multimedia screen featuring an array of traditional dances and culinary demonstrations. This feature is expected to present a broad view of the archipelago and the sensation of a virtual visit to Indonesia.
The Indonesia Pavilion is designed in the shape of a traditional fish trap called “Bubu” and consists of three main areas. The first area is called The New Indonesia where visitors receive a glimpse of Indonesia today through multimedia presentations of the country’s 70 years history covering various sectors including food, energy, maritime resources, and culture. The second area will involve oculus technology where visitors may experience a virtual visit to the archipelago through augmented reality media. The third area will feature an amphitheatre where visitors can enjoy a gamut of art performances and other cultural features of Indonesia.
For WEM 2015, the Indonesia Pavillion will present a number of main programs, which are: World’s Ocean Day, Indonesia’s National Day, and Indonesia Coffee Week. The pavilion will also feature a 500Kg bronze statue of a Java one-horned Rhino decorated with the distinct Batik motif known as mega mendung. In mid April 2015, the statue will be donated to one of the museums in the Vatican to be displayed as an authentic Indonesian product.
Showcasing the fascinating culture of the archipelago, the Ministry of Tourism will show a variety of live art performances and traditional dances. 6 young Indonesian fashion designers: Kl, Danjyo Hiyoji, Populo Batik, Hunting Fields, Mel Akhyar, and Sejauh Mata Memandang will also have the opportunity to showcase their creations, accompanied by distinct traditional Indonesian music in the form of modern electronic dance music.
WEM 2015 will be a perfect arena to promote Indonesia’s creative industry, trade, tourism, and investment opportunities. Coordinated by the Ministry of Trade, the Indonesia Pavillion is the collaboration of various ministries, government bodies , and the private sector including the Ministry of Tourism; Ministry of Industry; the Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs; Ministry of Culture, Elementary, and Middle Education; National Culture Preservation Cooperatives (KPBN), Ministry of Seas and Fishery, BPOM, PGN, Sinar Mas, Astra Internasional, Djarum, Artha Graha Peduli, and more.
Coordinating Minister of Maritime Affairs, Indroyono Susilo stated that the event will play an important role as a media to explain the concept of President Joko Widodo to make “Indonesia the center of the world’s maritime sector”.
“Indonesia is very serious aiming to realize the big vision in the maritime sector under leadership of President Joko Widodo. Through the event, we will showcase the abundant maritime potentials of the archipelago including the richness of its seas besides the high seafaring skills of our cadets” added Indroyono Susilo.
Indonesia will also showcase one of the Indonesian Navy’s top Battleships, the KRI Banjarmasin which was built domestically by PT.PAL to promote the country’s capability to produce high quality battleships. KRI Banjarmasin will sail from Surabaya to Belawan, Cochin, Salalh, Alexandria, before making port at Genoa. The trip will take about 82 days crossing the distance of 15,865Km.
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