Published on December 5, 2014

Head of Jakarta’s Tourism and Culture Office, Arie Budhiman told the Jakarta Business Tourism Business Forum (JTBf ) 2014 that Indonesia’s capital city expects to receive 2.5 million international tourist arrivals next year 2015, up from this year’s expected 2.3 million.
Meanwhile, on a separate occasion, Minister for Tourism Arief Yahya, said that nation-wide, Indonesia is expected to reach its target of 9.5 million foreign arrivals this year, whereas, for next year 2015, the target will be accelerated to reach 10 million. This surpasses the expected average growth in the Asia-Pacific of between 2% to 4% only.
The JTBF was held from 2-5 December participated by invited buyers from 30 of Indonesia’s provinces and 6 ASEAN countries, that included Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines.
Arie Budhiman further added that to attract increased visitors , Jakarta will focus on product development, improvements and additions to tourism infrastructure and facilities, and boost participation and empowerment of communities to be more involved in tourism activities and businesses.
Jakarta is already a favorite shopping destination, with most popular malls and shopping centers being the Tanah Abang wholesale textile market, Thamrin City, center for Batiks and Muslim fashion wear, Mangga Dua shopping center and over one hundred luxurious malls spread over this megapolitan city.
Before 2018, Jakarta will have an additional nine super de-luxe hotels which are: (1). Fairmont Jakarta, (2) St. Regis Hotel, (3). Westin Hotel, (4). W Hotel, (5) Raffles Hotel & Residences, (6). Rosewood Jakarta, (7). The Langham, (8). Waldorf Astoria, and (9). Sofitel Luxury Hotels.
At present Jakarta is busy renovating and developing Old Batavia – Kota Tua that was once the seat of the VOC Dutch East Indies Company. Around Fatahillah Square are a number of Museums such as the Jakarta History Museum, the Wayang Museum, Bank Mandiri Museum, Bank Indonesia Museum and more. Meanwhile, communities and the private sector surrounding Old Batavia have been drummed up to become actively involved in events and weekly activities on the Square, so that this once almost deserted area has now come alive. Active conservation plans are also underway to rebuild delapidated privately owned buildings, to become commercial areas yet preserving their “old colonial heydays atmosphere” through creative and innovative development. Visitors to the square can now also enjoy a number restaurants serving many kinds of cuisine.
Another focus for development are Pulau Seribu – the Thousand Islands on Jakarta’s doorstep in the Bay of Jakarta, especially the more remote northern islands which are still free of pollution carried by the rivers and ships anchoring at the harbor. Investors are warmly welcomed.
Jakarta will also continue to host events and exhibitions. The annual Jakarta Marathon held in October was also well participated by foreign visitors. Other crowd getters are JakJazz, and concerts by visiting world superstars.