Published on October 11, 2014

In response to a call from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, through its website , for the public to shoot their best videos on their respective regions and upload these on Youtube, the contest received an overwhelming response of 162 videos in all although the initial expectation was for no more than 100. Regions covered ranged from Flores to Jambi, Bengkulu, Bangka-Belitung, Yogyakarta, Bali , Lombok and Tangerang.
After careful evaluations, 15 winners emerged as winners in the various categories.
The Top 10 Videos of Indonesia Kaya Rasa are as follows:
- #IndonesiaKayaRasa Nagekeo Flores by @wilfridnostud
- #IndonesiaKayaRasa Sisi Lain Tangerang (Other Side of Tangerang) by @dianchristianto
- #IndonesiaKayaRasa Nyenthir Yogyakarta by @YazidRusdiyan
- #IndonesiaKayaRasa Lengkung Senyuman Dari Ceking Tegallalang – Bali (The Curving Smile of Ceking Tegallalang-Bali by @wahyucahyadii
- #IndonesiaKayaRasa Back to Neverland – Lombok by @thomasfrdavis
- #IndonesiaKayaRasa Perang ketupat in Bangka-Belitung by @Arief_Virgosta
- #IndonesiaKayaRasa Purwakarta di malam hari (Purwarkarta at Night) by Muhamad Ridwan Firdaus
- #IndonesiaKayaRasa Sandboarding in Yogyakarta by @danaoodana
- #IndonesiaKayaRasa Festival Tabot Bengkulu by @joharmansyah02
- #IndonesiaKayaRasa Rujak Uleg Fest 2013 in Surabaya by @isamarkotonk
Two Videos that received the most viewed award are:
- #IndonesiaKayaRasa Indahnya kota Malang @Firdauzeffectz
- #IndonesiaKayaRasa Opera Tuhan, Lembang (The Opera of God in Lembang) by @tjuandhaa
The Three Videos received the Judges Choices are:
- #IndonesiaKayaRasa Jambi, The Epic Wonder of Suvarnadvipa by @imanmfi
- #IndonesiaKayaRasa Sedikit Cerita dari Argopuro ( A little story in Mount Arguporu) by @tjuandhaa
- #IndonesiaKayaRasa KELENTENG dan MASJID (A Temple and A Mosque) by @setilabis