Published on February 2, 2015

Indonesia’s National Statistics Bureau (BPS) announced that Indonesia broke a new record when during the month of December 2014 over 915,300 international visitors came to visit the archipelago, making an increase of 6.35% compared year on year to December 2013, which recorded 860,700 visitors.
”The number of international arrivals in December 2014 is the highest ever recorded visitor arrivals so far within one month to Indonesia” stated the Head of the National Statistics Bureau, Suryamin, as freported by ANTARA News.
For the entire year of 2014 Indonesia welcomed 9.44 million visitors which is a significant growth of 7.19% over arrivals in 2013 which recorded 8.8 million. This means that Indonesia’s target to achieve 9.3 million in 2014 has been reached and even exceeded. For 2015 Indonesia aims to attain the 10 million international visitors mark.
Increases in arrivals in December 2014 were recorded at a number of entry points with highest being at the LombokInternational Airport in the West Nusa Tenggara Province showing a growth of 70.36%, followed by the Minangkabau Airport in West Sumatra receiving an increase of 64.49%. Meanwhile, the lowest growth was recorded at the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, entry point to Jakarta, which grew at only 0.84%.
Among the 19 major entry points to Indonesia, the Ngurah Rai International Airport of Balistill held the top position as Indonesia’s main gateway for international tourists. In December 2014, international arrivals here recorded 341,100 up 39.65%.

From the total number of 915,300 international tourist arrivals nation-wide in December 2014, 21.18% came from Singapore, 17.69% from Malaysia, 11.59% from Australia, 9.18% from China, and 4.97% from Japan.
Bali aims at 4 million Direct International Visitor Arrivals in 2015

Meanwhile, from Bali, reported that Bali ended 2014 with 3,768,362 foreign visitors, 14.92% more than the 3,278,598 recorded last year.
This means that Bali may look forward to achieve and even surpass the 4 million direct international arrivals targeted for 2015.
Largest source market direct to Bali was still Australia at top position, attaining almost 1 million at 991,024 visitors, increasing 19.92% for the year.
Mainland Chinese visitors came second, at a phenomenal 51.26% growth, ending the year at 586,197. With more direct flights by Garuda Indonesai and charter flights between Bali and China, tourists from China in 2015 are set to grow positively.
Malaysia became the third largest source to Bali improving 12.91% to 224,962 arrivals.
Next sources were Japan, Singapore and South Korea. While among European source markets, France was the largest source of visitors (7th overall), followed by the U.K (8th overall), Germany (11th), Netherlands (13th) and Russia (14th).
An emerging market for Bali is India, increasing 36.35% compared to the previous year.
Whereas, declining markets to Bali direct were Russia, down – 9.09%, slipping 3 slots in the ranking, and Taiwanese visitors were down – 10.06%.