Published on August 21, 2014

Image courtesy of the Indonesia Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy
Lucky Jakartans, they don’t have to go far from the city to enjoy the beach and other fruits of the sea. Just 45 km north of the coast, the Thousand Islands provide a complete change of tone from the city – about 70-plus coral islands harboring over 140 species of fish in its waters.
Anglers looking for good seawater fishing can head over to the Thousand Islands to get their fill of the local catch. Local fast boats cruise on the seas off Puteri Island, Pulau Ayer and Pulau Pramuka, looking to snag the local barracuda or mackerel on their lines before puttering back to Ancol in North Jakarta.
But don’t go this far without setting foot on one of the local islands. The more prominent islets in the Thousand Islands group shelter a few conservation effots like turtle breeding programs, marine tours, and zoos. Pulau Pramuka in particular is home to the Thousand Islands National Park, a haven for rare sea species like hawksbill turtles.
If you want to stay put in the capital, this seaside district in the north of Jakarta has a few fishing facilities of its own – cast a line off Pantai Marunda and you’re all set.
Elsewhere on the Web: Read Indonesia Travel’s official page on The Thousand Islands: A Sensational Islands Resort.