Published on February 9, 2015

Following an independent survey conducted by Facebook, Bandung, capital city of West Java Province was named as one of the favorite cities by national and international tourists. Dubbed as the city of Flowers, Bandung ranked fourth after Bangkok, Seoul, and Mumbay for the Asia region, and 21st in the worldwide ranking.
Head of the Office of Tourism and Culture of West Java Province, Drs Nunung Sobari,MM also revealed that. “Aside from the most favorite city in ASEAN, Bandung is also ranked 5th in the Asia Pacific region related to tourism” added Nunung.
Nunung also explained that the achievement is an opportunity to firmly establish Bandung as a world class destination. That is why the city needs to overcome some shortcomings, including the frequent traffic jams is that the plan to establish Bandung as prime gateway to the wonders of West Java Province can be realized.
“We expected that both national and international tourists who come to Bandung can also explore other destinations in other cities and regencies in the province,” explained Nunung.
Meanwhile, Mayor of Bandung, Ridwan Kamil commented that tourist facilities are continuously being improved to cater to the needs o tourists. These improvements will include transportation, parks, sidewalks, and also the revitalization of Husein Sastranegara Airport which will be completed in September 2015.
“The Airport will look brand new with extended capacity to the passengers ‘terminal, beyond current condition” stated the Mayor.
This year, the city of Bandung has set the target to receive 5.5 million international tourists (both by direct flights and through Jakarta).
Nicknamed as Parijs van Java or the Paris of Java, Bandung is surrounded by enchanting natural wonders. Just 30km away north of the city, tourists can enjoy the spectacular crater of Mount Tangkuban Parahu at the West Bandung Regency. A mere 2-3 hours drive away south to the Bandung Regency, tourists will be indulged with the refreshing ambience of Kawah Putih Crater and Lake Patengan. Meanwhile, Bandung itself is still a prime attraction for shopping and culinary enthusiasts.
Currently, Bandung has 20 thousands hotel rooms capacity. The government is applying the zoning concept in the development of new hotels which allows new hotel construction in less densely populated areas only such as at the eastern part of the city.
Bandung Gears Up for the 60th Anniversary of the Asian-African Conference
From 19th to 24th April, Bandung and Jakarta will be host to the historical commemoration of Asian African Conference 60thAnniversary. A series of meetings among representatives of the Asian-African Countries will take place in Jakarta, capital of Republic Indonesia from 19th to 23rd April 2015. The pinnacle of the commemoration will be held on 24th April 2015 in Bandung, where the historical conference was held 60 years ago in 1955. The 60th commemoration of the Asian-African Conference will carry the theme “Strengthening Cooperation among Southern Countries”.
Preparations for the event are currently being undertaken by the City of Bandung. The Mayor of Bandung, Ridwan Kamil also actively involves all parts the society to support the event. Infrastructure is continuously being improved especially at several areas that will be visited by the international honored guests such as Braga Street, Tegalega Square, Gedung Merdeka (The Asian-African Conference Museum), Bandung Square, and the Grand Mosque of Bandung.
“It’s a level one alert preparation. All members of society are contributing to the event, the least in decorating the neighborhood. We are speeding up the Improvement of sidewalks along the heritage site of Braga Street, and adding other facilities to ensure the comfort in the city” explained Ridwan Kamil.
To express the distinct artistic ambience of Bandung, there will be a carnival to welcome the honored guests to the event. “It is called the Asian-African Carnival, in which whenever the leaders of a country arrives we will greet them with the unique customs and music from their countries, since every culture is different. This will be the icon of a festival in Bandung” added the Mayor.