Published on July 2, 2014

The world famous Kuta Beach, on the enchanting island of Bali will be the site of the 5th Annual Bali Ocean Swimscheduled to take place on 6th July 2014. The swims will be held over three distance categories which are: 1.2K, 5K and 10K, and are open for all, local to international, amateur to world class participation.
The swimming event is organized by the Yayasan Damai Olahraga Bali or Bali Sport Foundation BSF, and all the proceeds from the swim will be donated to the Kuta Beach Balawista (life guards) that includes helping the Nipper program. The money raised by the swim will also fund BSF’s swimming and water safety program for disabled children and youth.
The safety of swimmers is overseen by the Kuta Beach lifeguards (Balawista), to whom a donation is made.
Once a sleepy village with a quiet, beautiful sweep of beach, Kuta today has become a popular beach destination in its own right, alive with tourists from all over the world, swimming, surfing or sunbathing by the beach. Others, casually dressed in shorts, T-shirts and flip-flops stroll along its main road, shopping around or enjoying meals at its many open air restaurants. When in Kuta you know that you are in a holiday town, and people here are in a holiday mood.
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